Meet the Ducks – a Vietnamese threat group targeting Meta Business Accounts


In today’s interconnected world, social media has become the largest hub where individuals and businesses converge, with approximately 4.9 billion people using these platforms. For organizations, social media serves as a powerful tool to engage with the global audience, a resource that most businesses utilize in various ways.

However, while businesses have strong incentives to harness the potential of social media for their benefit, these platforms also present unique opportunities for adversaries with diverse intentions and capabilities. The challenges posed by adversaries on these platforms are multifaceted, ever-evolving, intricate, and, most significantly, detrimental.

WithSecure has published a complete report about the threat landscape surrounding Meta’s ad ecosystem that are pre-dominantly originating out of Vietnam. Additionally, they shared an update on the infamous DUCKTAIL operation exposed in their previous reports DUCKTAIL: An infostealer malware targeting Facebook Business accounts and DUCKTAIL returns: Underneath the ruffled feathers.

Checkout the full report here: